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Ausar Auset Society

The core values of Ausar Auset Society International are from the world’s oldest and greatest civilization, Ancient Kamit (Egypt). The main principle of AAS is that Man is made in the likeness God and therefore Man’s essence is also Divine. Our Divine birth-right includes the ability, right, and responsibility to awaken our Divine attributes and become Ausar, one with God. Though most of the historical records of Kamit were destroyed by invaders, hundreds still exist to evidence the fact that men and women of all ranks overcame sin, became one with God and were proclaimed Ausar by their peers.

Ausar Auset Society, Washington, DC

Ur Aua Hehi Metu Ra Enkamit, Paramount King, Ausar Auset Society

The core values of Ausar Auset Society International are from the world’s oldest and greatest civilization, Ancient Kamit (Egypt). The main principle of AAS is that Man is made in the likeness God and therefore Man’s essence is also Divine. Our Divine birth-right includes the ability, right, and responsibility to awaken our Divine attributes and become Ausar, one with God. Though most of the historical records of Kamit were destroyed by invaders, hundreds still exist to evidence the fact that men and women of all ranks overcame sin, became one with God and were proclaimed Ausar by their peers.

Ra Un Nefer Amen I, Shekhem Ur Shekhem (King Great King), whose Kingship has been internationally recognized, founded AASI in 1973. Today, AAS is in more than 40 cities in the US, Canada, Bermuda, Trinidad, England, South Africa, and Ghana. The hierarchy includes Shekhem Ur Shekhem, Nesuitu (Queen Mothers of AASI), Ur Auau/Ur Auatu (Paramount Kings/Queen Mothers), Shekhemu/Shekhemtu (Chiefs/Chieftesses), Seru /Sertu (Elders), and a Priesthood.

AAS’s spiritual training is focused on the process of becoming a God Man/Woman, and is directed to improving the quality of life of African people the world over. The Shekhem Ur Shekhem has authored more than forty books, including the Society’s core curricular material, “Metu Neter” (Word of God) (7 volumes to date). Studying the Metu Neter, AAS members learn the history and culture of Kamit, the keys to living the greatness of African culture, and how to live that greatness daily.

Promoting a self-help philosophy, AAS members come together to build institutions to serve the collective needs of its members and community, such as schools, stores for natural foods, African clothing, books, etc.

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